The Father and The Son

The doctrine of the nature of God , His Son and the holy Spirit has become a standard for Christian orthodoxy. Trinitarianism is required by virtually all of Christianity. Yet the Bible makes many statements that contradict this belief.

More than that, hidden within the prophecies of the Old Testament and the revelation in the New Testament scriptures, is a love story between the Father and His Son, a love revealed by the sending of the Son to redeem men from their sins and giving of the holy Spirit to men.

In the video available at right, Pastor John Clark, Sr. reads the tract "Is Jesus God?" Not only does he read the tract but there is much other good understanding to be received from this reading. We hope you are blessed by what you can learn in this video and from the rest of this topical study page.


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The God and Father of Jesus

John David Clark, Sr. - May, 1994

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings.... I cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him."

Who is this person to whom Paul refers in the above scripture (Eph.1:3, 15-17)? Who is the God of our Lord Jesus? And what does the Bible say about Him? Here are just a few scriptures from various books of the Bible which reveal various aspects of His character.

In the book of Psalms (110:1), He is called LORD, as opposed to "Lord". Jesus quoted the verse from King David in Matthew 22:43-44, saying that David was speaking by the Spirit when he made this distinction between the Father (LORD) and the Son (Lord).

In Isaiah 53:10, He is the one who required Jesus to suffer. "It pleased the LORD to bruise him. He hath put him to grief." And in 42:1, He is the one to whom Jesus does service, and the one who held Jesus up, so that he was not discouraged while he ministered here on earth.

In Jeremiah 23:5, He is the one who promised to send Jesus to earth to execute judgment and righteousness among men.

In Ezekiel 45:22, He is the one to whom the prince offers a sacrifice for sin.

In Daniel 2:45, He is the mountain out of which the Stone was cut which shall rule for ever and ever.

In Zechariah 13:7, He is the one who called for the sword to fall upon Jesus, the "great shepherd of the sheep".

In Malachi 3:1, He is the one who promised to send both John the Baptist and Jesus to purify the people of the Lord.

In Matthew 3:17, He is the one speaking from heaven when Jesus was baptized by John, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

In Mark 15:34, He is the one to whom the crucified Jesus cried in anguish, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

In Luke 12:5, He is the one whom Jesus warned his disciples to fear.

In John 5:26, He is the one who gave Jesus life, and in 10:36, He is the one who sanctified Jesus and sent him into the world. In 14:10, He is the one who was really performing the works which Jesus did. "Of myself", said Jesus, "I can do nothing" (5:19, 30).

In Acts 10:38, He is the one who anointed Jesus with power to go about doing good, and in 2:32, He is the one who raised Jesus from the dead.

In Romans 8:11, He is the one who promised to raise us from the dead as He raised Jesus, if His Spirit resides in us as it did him.

In 1 Corinthians 15:27, He is the one who put everything under the feet of Jesus, and in the next verse, He is the on e to whom Jesus and the redeemed will humbly bow when all things are finished.

In 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, He is the one who was working through Christ to reconcile us to Himself, and the one who entrusted Paul with the task of proclaiming that same reconciliation to men.

In Galatians 4:4-6, He is the one who sent, first, His Son into the world, and then sent the holy Spirit to those who believed on him.

In Ephesians 1:21-22, He is the one who not only raised Jesus from the dead, but also "set him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the congregation."

In Philippians 2:11, He is the one who is honored when men confess that Christ Jesus is Lord, because He is the one who empowered Jesus to accomplish everything which he accomplished. We honor the Father when we honor His Son.

In Colossians 1:19-20, He is the one who made peace available to men through the blood of the cross, and it is He who was pleased that in Christ all the fullness of divine authority should dwell.

In 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13, He is the one for whom Jesus is cleansing and purifying the saints.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:16, it is He who "has loved us, and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace."

In 1 Timothy 6:15, He is "the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords" whom Jesus will reveal to the saints.

In 2 Timothy 2:12, He is the one before whom Jesus will deny knowing us, if we deny him in this present world (cp. Mt.10:32-33).

In Titus 2:5-6, He is the one who shed the holy Spirit upon us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.

In Philemon 3, He, along with Jesus, sent greetings of peace and grace to this righteous owner of slaves.

In Hebrews 1:1-2, He is the one who spoke to us by the ancient prophets, but who now speaks to us through His Son. In 1:8, He is the one who honored the Son with the title, "God", and in 1:9, He is the God who anointed His Son "with the oil of gladness above his fellows." In 2:9, it is He who made Jesus "a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death", and then "crowned him with glory and honor." In 2:10, it was He who "perfected the captain of our salvation through suffering." In 3:1-2, it was He who appointed to Jesus his responsibilities, and it was He to whom Jesus was faithful. In 5:5, it was He who made Jesus the high priest that he is, and in 8:3 it is He to whom Jesus offers sacrifices and gifts for us. In 9:24, it was in His presence that Christ Jesus stood and offered himself for the sins of the world. In 10:5, it was He who prepared the earthly body for His Son to use while here on earth. In 10:7, it was His will which Jesus came to earth to do. In 10:31, it is He who is the living God, into whose hands it is a fearful thing to fall. In 13:15, it is to Him that we, by faith in Christ, offer acceptable sacrifices of praise (1Pet. 2:5). And in 13:20-21, it was He who brought Jesus up from the grave, and who perfects our faith to be able to do His will as Christ did.

In James 1:17, it is He who sends to man every good and perfect thing.

In 1 Peter 2:3-6, it is He who chose Jesus, and established him as "a chief cornerstone, elect, and precious" to the saints. And in 2:23, it was to Him that Jesus committed himself, as to one Jesus trusted to "judge righteously". In 5:10, He is the one "who has called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus", and "after that ye have suffered a while, [He will] make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle you."

In 2 Peter 1:17, He is the one who gave "glory and honor" to Jesus.

In 1 John 2:1, it is He whose holiness is offended by sin and it is before Him that Jesus is our advocate.

In 2 John 9, He is so determined that we must respect and submit to His Son continually that He will abandon any believer who departs from the faith of Christ Jesus.

In 3 John 11, He is the fountain of every good deed and word.

In Jude 21, it is loving Him which makes us look forward to the return of Jesus, and Jesus will take us to heaven to see Him.

In Revelation 1:1, He was the one who gave Jesus the revelation of future events which Jesus gave to John. In 5:1, it was His hand which held the book which "no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth was able to open". In 8:1, it was His wrath which silenced every voice in heaven for half an hour. In 20:4-9, it is He who is still in heaven while Jesus and the saints rule on earth, and it is He who rescues His chosen ones from the final onslaught of Satan and his evil hoards.