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Other subjects from the topical index related to the New Birth.
Salvation & Conversion
The New Birth
The Holy Spirit

Suggested Further Reading

Hell, the lake of fire ,tartarus. What the bible says.Hell - What the Bible says studies the biblical revelation about hell, the lake of fire, Gehenna, Tartarus and more. What are these places? Where are they? Who goes there? A wide ranging and thought provoking study of what the Bible tells us Hell.

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Pichforks, tails and pointy horns, the master of Hell, a fallen angel? These are common pictures of Satan today. The Bible paints an entirely different picture of this cherub who was created "full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty."

Who and what is Satan? What is he like and what does he like? Transformed now, into an angel of light, where is he to be found, and what is he doing and inspiring? These articles will begin to open your understanding about Satan, the devil, the slanderer, a deeply religious being who is deceiving the whole Earth. His deception begins with the deceiving caricature that people think of when they think about Satan.

God Had a Son ...

God Had a Son before Mary Did studies the revelation of the relationship betweenThe father and the Son the Father and the Son throughout the Old and New testament scriptures. Satan's role in heaven and his activities on the Earth now are also revealed. The book is not yet available so check back often. This book has blessed us in its preparation and we are sure it will bless you as you come to understand the wonderful love betwen the Father and His Son. This book is not yet available but will be soon, at cost price from our eBay storePurchase at cost on ebay. Check out the eBay store for other good gospel materials and music.

Thought for the Evening


"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:3

In 2Corinthians 11, when Paul warned the saints at Corinth of men who preached "another Jesus", he was warning the saints of men who were serving another god: Satan. He actually called those men "false apostles" -v. 13) and "ministers of Satan" -v. 14-15).

If what a man is teaching you came from his own heart, he is seeking glory for himself. Jesus said so -Jn. 7:18). If what he is teaching came from the mind of Satan, he is ministering to you what Satan has prepared for you, and he qualifies to that extent as a "minister of Satan". Paul knew that what he taught the saints was from Christ. He wrote, "I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not after man, for I neither received it of man, nor was taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ" -Gal. 1:11-12). And because he was serving food prepared by Jesus for the saints, Paul was a server, or minister, of Christ. If what a man is teaching was prepared by Satan, then he is a server, or minister of Satan. Be slow to speak, my friend, to the children of God. It matters to the Father what His children are fed.

This is an important matter. For if we are practicing a baptism other than the baptism of Christ, or if we are partaking of a communion other than the communion of Christ, or if we belong to a religious body other than the body of Christ, or if we are teaching any doctrine other than the doctrine of Christ, then we are proclaiming "another Jesus" to God's people and are serving "another god".

It is not by word only that we "have other gods"; it is by actions. And if any of our actions are contrary to the truth Paul taught us Gentiles, then to that extent we are guilty of "having other gods" before Him who is our God.

Paul said that there is one body -the family of born-again people).

Paul said that there is one Spirit -the holy Spirit that came on Pentecost).

Paul said that there is one hope -of eternal life, which we have when we receive Christ).

Paul said that there is one Lord -Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God).

Paul said that there is one faith -the truth revealed by the Spirit).

Paul said that there is one baptism -the baptism of the holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues).

Paul said that there is one God -the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ).

Any doctrine or ceremony that adds to, detracts from, or ignores these foundations of holy faith is evil and should be avoided. Any man who promotes any other doctrine or ritual is an enemy of the cross of Christ, is a minister of evil, and is breaking the first of the TEN COMMANDMENTS.