Suggested Further Reading

The Sabbath causes much confusion. God commanded it but do we, under the New Covenant, need to keep it? And if so, in what form?
The Sabbath
The True Sabbath
On The Rest
Ten Commandments - Remember The Sabbath
A Day of Rest

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Ceremony, Communion and the Sabbath

The Old Testament required God's priests to observe many ritual practices. All of these things pointed to the sacrifical work of Jesus. Jesus fulfilled all these symbols of the Law of God.

But within Christianity many symbolic observances are still practiced. Water baptism as an "outward symbolism of an inward reality" is a chief example along with consuming physical communion bread and wine, foot washing, the wearing of special robes and the keeping of special days. Should we be doing such things when Christ came and obtained for us "a new and living way?" And what of the symbols of the Old Testament. Have they just disappeared and become irrelevant or have they been transformed into spiritual realities?

This is important information for anyone who desires the freedom and liberty that Jesus promised us.

Spiritual Light

Spiritual Light is the result of four visitations from the Lord over a period of 4 years. Four fundamental truths of the faith Starting with a discussion of the 3rd commandment, marriage and "taking the name of the Lord" and then wonderful insight into Christ's sacrifice this book reveals desperately needed understanding that dispels the confusion about conversion, baptism, salvation and works. This book is available on-line and at cost price from our eBay storePurchase at cost on ebay. Check out the eBay store for other good gospel materials and music.

Thought for the Evening


The weekly Sabbath was not a day set apart by God for worship. God set apart the weekly Sabbath as a day of restfulness, a day of relief from the curse of labor that He imposed upon Adam and his descendants. The Creator loves the people He created, and He has never oppressed us with excessive religious commandments that add to Adam's curse of physical labor.

Long ago, Christianity perverted God's blessing of a day of restfulness into an oppressive day of worship, often enforced by law with severe penalties for individuals who did not comply with their burdensome, religious works. As a result, God's intended weekly relief from the curse of labor was stolen by men who, as Jesus said, "laden men with burdens grievous to be borne". He was referring to the religious labor of Christianity and other of the world's religions that God did not require people to perform. And it was to mankind, cursed by God to labor and then abused by religious men who took away the day of their relief with religious works, that Jesus called, "Come unto me, all ye that labor AND are heavily laden, and I will give you rest."

All people labor. That is an inescapable curse from God. Jesus did not call to all those who were simply laboring. He called to those who were both laboring as God demanded and who also were "heavily laden". Those who are also "heavily laden" are those who are looking for God and are trusting men who teach them that if they add to their labor man's religious works, then they will find the God they seek. Jesus wants to take that load off your back.

Religious men not sent by God have always demanded more religious duty than God does. The Jewish and Christian transformation of the weekly Sabbath from a day of rest from the curse of labor into a day for worship is just one of many evidences of the great difference between the love of the Creator for people and man's religious abuse of them for their own prestige and glory.